[Solved] Breaking Nepali Characters-Words in Indesign

There has always been issues for Nepali font while designing for print. It isn’t a issue for those who work with?Unicode? but for those who work with Nepali fonts i.e Preeti, Kantipur or any another Nepali font its really frustrating to work with programs. As the programs are build in west where there is less or no concern and testing for the fonts like Nepali, ?we have to figure it out by ourselves until they make the program compatible for fonts. But it is less likely as English is the major international Language and for the rest there is Unicode to meet the purpose so the problem is yet to stick for years.

In this article I am writing about the breaking words in Nepali. Indesign predecessor like Pagemaker had the issue of breaking the “PURNABIRAM” and other few words like /. But in Indesign there is serious issue of breaking the words in almost every symbol i.e (“[“, “{“, “/” etc). The programs such as word, freehand, pagemaker does not have those issues as far as I know (correct me If I am wrong). I haven’t used Illustrator or Coreldraw for the desktop publishing work (that is for desktop publishing work using Nepali font) as of know so not talking about those programs. Since Freehand and pagemaker has become history , I decided to layout a Nepali and English (font) mixed magazine in Indesign.

Soon after using The Indesign I noticed that the Nepali words and characters were breaking unnecessarily.


If I were to work with few paragraph I would select no break from the character tab or palate (Whatever it’s called). But Since I had to work with pages of Nepali text I had to figure something out. Other wise I had to select each word that was breaking and select nobreak for each one of them. After Searching briefly and no luck (not finding good solution, also i didn’t have time to keep searching for the iss), I took a rest for a while and finally figured out a way to tackle this problem.


In page maker when the full stop in Nepali font broke apart in two lines we would find and replace the text with the non-breaking space and a full stop. Similarly in Indesign too, we would use the same technique for the breaking full stop. I will write in points about things to do to prevent Nepali words from breaking

1. First un-check Hyphenate in Paragraph as it adds unnecessary hyphen in Nepali words.hyphenate

2. For breaking “PURNABIRAM” shown below in the image, ?use find and change?dialogue. In find type “space”+”fullstop”( .) and replace with regular expression “^S”+”.”(Pagemaker user must be familiar with this). This adds a non breaking space right before a fullstop (period) which prevents from breaking the “PURNABIRAM” as highlighted in the image.non-breaking fullstopbreaking space

3. For rest of the breaking words as shown in the very first image, we have to find and replace every symbol with no-break. For example?? is on of the frequent character that breaks the word. So find “/” and replace it with “/” except in the change format?click the “Magnifying glass with T” icon. Which produces the change format setting dialogue. and under basic Character formats, check the no Break.

Upon clicking “OK” you will see that + no break appears on Change Format. Find and replace all. This will resolve all the breaking words that has / or ?? in Nepali.


no-break highlight4. This step would be to repeat the step 3 until you finish finding and replacing all the symbol characters in English. i.e Find and replace all the characters like { ? ; ? ‘ ? \ ?| ? } ? [ ? ] ?( ) with the same character with no break attribute in change format.

This should resolve the breaking word issue while working with Nepali characters.

P.S: I don’t know if there is another way to tackle this problem if there is any I certainly would like to know. I hope this was helpful to those who are and were having ?this issue.

How to setup WordPress in 000webhost using ftp client

If you have registered a domain and now want a perfect website for blogging then wordpress is the right choice for starters(in my personal opinion).

There are many paid hosting sites out there but if you want your website up and running without spending money on webhost then 000webhost is just good enough to begin with. In this post I will be telling how to setup wordpress in 000webhost server using the FTP clients like filezilla or fireftp. I will be using fireftp which is a addon for mozilla firefox. I also used filezilla but if found fireftp was good for me but you can use any ftp clients out there.


  1. Register your domain. For information about registering your .com.np visit my other post http://www.surendrashrestha.com.np/register-your-personal-np-domain-for-free
  2. Sign up for free webhosting on http://www.000webhost.com/
  3. Download filezilla, if you use mozilla firefox then search for fireftp addon for your mozilla firefox browser.
  4. Download the latest version of the wordpress from http://www.wordpress.org/ and unzip.

Step by step guide

1. Login to your 000webhost account.

2. After login select create new account


3. Enter your registered domain name instead of example.com.np eg. surendrashrestha.com.np and choose the password as you like and click setup new account.


4. Upon completing the above step you should get the message like this. Now click Back to accounts list.


5. Now click the Go to CPanel


6. Now Click view account Details.

Read this if you are getting the below alert message

Now if you are getting the following error message then it means the domain is not pointing to the 000webhost name server. You have to point the dns(domain name system) server to the 000webhost. If you already have used the nameservers to ns01.000webhost.com and ns02.000webhost.com for your domain recently then you have to wait 24-28 hours. If it still shows the message then double check the nameserver name and type it exactly as it says, once I mistyped the domain nameservers as ns1.000webhost.com make sure you haven?t done the same mistakes.


7. Note down the ftp details the password will be the same as the password you used in the step 3. After noting down the details Click Enter the control panel.


8. Now click The My sql icon under software/services


9. Now you need to create the database for the wordpress. Fill up the form as you wish. After filling the form click create database.

You will be greeted with the information as below. Now you need to note down all the information carefully. You will need this information to setup your wordpress.



10. Now locate your wordpress folder the place where you downloaded the wodpress and unzipped it.

Open the wordpress folder on your computer.

Open the file wp-config-sample.php in notepad.

The file should have the content as below

// ** MySQL settings – You can get this info from your web host ** //
/** The name of the database for WordPress */
define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘database_name_here‘);

/** MySQL database username */
define(‘DB_USER’, ‘username_here‘);

/** MySQL database password */
define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘password_here’);

/** MySQL hostname */
define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost‘);

/** Database Charset to use in creating database tables. */
define(‘DB_CHARSET’, ‘utf8’);

/** The Database Collate type. Don’t change this if in doubt. */
define(‘DB_COLLATE’, ”);

Now you only need to edit the information that are marked red. Just fill up the red words with the information you noted in step 9.

  • Replace database_name_here with a5817322_wp (And of course you need to type your own information, the one you have noted down not the one I write here).
  • Replace username_here with a5817322_suren
  • Replace password_here with surendra123..
  • And finally replace localhost with mysql12.000webhost.com.

Double check the information you filled and save changes to the file.

Now rename the file to just wp-config.php

11. Now open the fireftp from mozilla or open the filezilla. Filezilla user are on there own?. sorry folks, but the overall thing is just the same I guess you should easily be able to setup anyway.

On firebug click create new account.

  • Use the information from step 7.
  • use ftp hostname from step 7 as host.
  • use ftp username from step 7 as login.
  • use ftp password from step 7 as password.

Click ok


12. Now connect to the FTP server using connect in the firebug.

  • If everything goes nicely till here then you should be successful to connect and the the files on your servers should be listed on the right pane and the left pane you can browse the files on your computer which you can push it to the server.
  • On right pane double click public_html. There will be a file named default.php.
  • Simply delete the file.
  • Now on the right pane navigate to the folder where you downloaded wordpress and unzipped.



  • Select all files on the left pane and right click and select upload or use the right arrow key to push files to the server. Now the uploading the files to the server takes time depending upon the speed of your internet. Be patient and make sure you transfer all files to the server. Incomplete transfer may cause problems to your site.

13. After successfully uploading all your files to the server it time to launch your website. Type the url of your site on the browser i.e www.example.com.np. Now keep your hands crossed and hope everything goes well. If you are following everything properly then you should get what I get on the browser.



14. Now fill up the information as asked by the wordpress and click install wordpress.

15. This is the end of this post. Now login to your wordpress admin and see what you can do. I am sure you will be able to find a nice theme and start blogging. Read the tutorials and documentation provided by the wordpress.

If you are looking for the cheap hosting, this might be helpful

The Best Cheap Web Hosting Providers: Getting the Best for Less

I hope this was useful. Good luck.

Permanently Delete Facebook account

There is no straight way to delete your Facebook account permanently, if you think its enough and don?t want to use Facebook anymore. One way to deactivate your Facebook account is from Deactivate Account section from Account Section. This makes your account inaccessible to other Facebook users. But it is just like logging off. Once you log into account, it is once again accessible like nothing has happened.

At some point you would like to delete your account permanently for whatever may be the reason. If you need to deactivate permanently you have to search Facebook help for delete Facebook. Help can be accessed by the help text located at the footer of the Facebook page. There you will see submit your request here. From that link you can deactivate your Facebook account permanently. I guess it will give 15 days time until you log on to restore your account. If you don?t it will be deleted permanently.

Disable the arrow in windows vista/windows 7 that shows in the Shortcut Icon

Most of the programs that you install in your computer creates a shortcut at your desktop. I install whole lots of programs and there are whole lot of program icon that sits up at my desktop. The only problem with the icons is its beauty is destroyed with the windows overlay of the arrow to show that it?s a shortcut. So I searched the internet for if I could delete that arrow that pops on my icon.

I found some registry tweaks for it but I opted a small software that deleted the arrows from my icon. Now my icons at my desktop looks great without the shortcut arrow. If you are willing to delete the arrow from your icon then I recommend you to use this software.

Download the software from this mediafire link.



1. Extract the zip file FxVisor32.zip

2. Find FxVisor32.exe and open it



4. Select no arrow if you want to remove the arrow.

5. Now all you need to do is logoff to see the changes





After (Looks Nice without that arrow isn?t it?)

*Note: If you want to download the file from the original source of the article you need to install the program in order to use the program. If you download from my mediafire link you do not need to install the program just extract it and use it. Also my operating system is a 32 bit. Don’t know if this program works for the 64 bit Operating system.

Original Source: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/disable-shortcut-icon-arrow-overlay-in-windows-vista/

How to know instantly DVD/CD or B-ray release of a MOVIE

If you are a Movie freak and you like to download and watch movie in high quality then this is really interesting for you. There are movies that are released and you don’t know whether it has been released in DVD or B-ray. The only way to find if the movie is been released in dvd is to Google search or see its releases in Wikipedia or imdb etc. Buts this takes lots of time and it also means that you have to frequently check the site for if it has been released in dvd.

What if you don’t need to check for it. Wouldn’t it be great to find out instantly when the movie is available in DVD or B-ray. Then here’s the tip. Go to http://www.amazon.com create a free account. Search for the movie you want in movie section. In amazon there are movies that are listed in coming soon section. In Amazon you are told ?Sign up to be notified when this item becomes available.? for the coming soon items. Click on the sign up and you are done. The amazon will mail you about the DVD or B-ray Release of the movie as soon as it is available.


Now you can either go to shop to find your copy if you like to purchase. For others you can search its dvd rip or b-ray rip of the movie in torrent or other file hosting sites?.Winking smile