Here is a keyboard layout for Nepali typing. Hope this will be helpful for those who are willing to type Nepali. I have also included the alt combination keystrokes. Feel free to download and use it as a reference.
Click the image for larger view. But I recommend you download the PDF for quality printing or viewing.
Download the PDF: Nepali layout kb
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Thank you ,Surendra your blog is very helpful.
Thanks …It helps me…
Can you help me? I am learning Nepali and want to type in Nepali, but cannot find the character for ‘pha’? I can see that ‘pa’ is K, but how do I find ‘pha’???? Sorry if I am being blind!!
Many Thanks
you have to use the combination keys to type pha. typing k and m will create the pha…sorry for the late reply…
how about half “pha” so that i could write afno…!!!as for me alt+ key gives me totally different result than it is shown is quite painful to learn nepali me bro.
for half pha alt + 0136
I have also to type nepali ? ? ??? ? etc
km = pha
u have type k+m………..thank you
Dear Rory:
press shift + K = ? if you have Nepali Unicode keyboard (Traditional)
Thank you
sir yo fontasy himalyan ko code number haru sabai vandinu paryo !
click f
Thanks for sharing this keyboard layout but How to type half ‘PHA’..?
I’m using the pre-installed Nepali input (Mangal/Arial) in my XP system so that I can can type Hindi (don’t have the orig. XP CD). How do I get “aa”, “oo”, “ee”?
I cant get what you are saying…
I have placed nepali fonts on site.
Download the fonts from the link below and install the fonts and use it in your computer.
Thank you So much Bro. You made me Great
Thanks again
May GOD Bless u
how can i get matras, rasho n dirgha? for example, matra on pooja…
i don’t know place of na
Thanks for your sharing~
But the Alt Combinations are not working.
I’m a Korean, so I use a korean version of Windows 7.
Does it matter?
I tried them on MS Word and Memo.
The alt key combinations should work well on any versions of windows. It’s the only way to insert the special characters like registered trade mark etc. There must be something wrong. Are you sure you are doing it right?? You have to keep holding the alt and type the number and then release the alt key. You can also try the character map to copy the words and insert them in the word or other programs.
To open character map type charmap in run(windows+r) then select the fonts and copy the character you want and paste it.
sir how to type like puja ko pu here sagarmatha font
bro sometime alt + number is not work because of off of numb lock,so on the numb lock and try will work.if it there is still problem than go to option than go to ‘autocorrect as you type’ than uncheck ‘straight quote’.after this if there is still problem than use charmap on run.
thanks a lot.
Thank You
thank u a lot, its very helpful……………..
How to download nepali keyboard in one?it would be better if u had suggested how to download.thanks
how to type ko kindly help me
just Beside enter key akar or it is called something else it cannot be typed whenever I type it types comma help needed.
for ko first select kantipurfont then type s f and }which becomes ko try it and see it for yourself.
i cannot use alt combination letter while nepali typing plz tell me how to fixed it
tq sir…….tq very much for your information…….it really helped me
how to get started learn to type in nepali most effectively? what fonts to download, what to practice?
How to type alt combination letters in windows 8?I think it doesn’t support this,Is there any idea?
How to enable alt + number combination to type in Nepali?
it is already there, just hold alt and type the code note the number keys in the main keyboard but on the numpad, if you dont have a number pad then you can try copying the characters from character map in windows, or use a keyboard with numpad. lot of dell keyboard don’t have numpad
how to enable ukar and wokar i can’t found…..please help me
by click ‘ and ” it’s not match
Read this article. This might help you.
i cant type “ku” in Preeti font while I had typed “ka” but cant make it “ku”. I cant get by typing the key ‘ even typed with shift or caps it gives as that in Times New Roman and it automatically turns to Times New Roman font.
i am learning typing in nepali so can u help me to find ‘ ?’
Bro it doesn’t work in windows 10. especially the alt commands.
What is the alternative of alt key for macbook to type ‘nga’ in nepali ?
where is e located
?? ??? ???? ???? ??? ?????? ? ??????? !
?? ??? ???? ???? ??? ?????? ? ???????!
how to type “pra” for pratek
How to write mra ,pra,etc
there are swor and byanzan barna in nepali font,, but in this key board only byanzan is provided where is swor barna plz include it as well
Hello Sir I am having problem to type MU , I am following your keyboard layout its shown there in the layout but while typing it the inverted commas comes up. Please help me with it.
how to write ? ?
how to write Sha (pet kateko)
Why word displays mistake alt keys? It seems it it using ASCII values.
please teach me half ra and half ta of word mahatyopurna (important)
Mero ma ta ‘da’ damaru da nai lekhna milena hai